5 Ways to Stop Putting Unrealistic Pressure on Yourself

  This blog is all about finding balance so you can live a balanced lifestyle. Today I want to focus on five ways to stop putting unrealistic pressure on yourself.   Where Does Pressure Come From   I don’t know about you, but I have found that since...

Create A Night Routine

  A Night Routine…Why would I possibly need a night routine? Isn’t that just one more laundry list of things that needs to be accomplished before bed? How could the decision to create a night routine possibly help me when I am suffering from decision fatigue?...

Create A Morning Routine

A morning routine may sound too ritualistic and, well, routine. However, creating a morning routine can help you to start off every day in the right way. There is no one size fits all here. We will explore some things to consider when creating a morning routine and I...

7 Tips to Reduce Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue Do you ever wonder why you come home from a productive day at work, only to feel like doing absolutely nothing? You were so motivated to get things done, but then at home it feels like you can’t do one more thing. For instance, that health goal you...