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Vision of Crushing It

Have you ever had one vision of yourself and then something happens that causes you to find out that vision wasn’t accurate? When I first heard a stay at home order was put in place, I thought “This is great!” I believed I was feeling calm and confident. This pandemic was not going to get me down. I was going to crush it during the stay at home order. The mile-long list was created. Books were ordered. Materials were gathered. This was going to be the most productive month of my life!


While I did get some things accomplished, I noticed some bad habits creeping in. There was an increasing amount of time spent on iPad games. I told myself “I am just relaxing.” The handful of M&Ms once in a while, became a nightly ritual. Additionally, fatigue set in from all the Zoom meetings and time sitting at a desk. After I finished my work, I felt little motivation to do anything else. This was not my idea of making the most of my time.

What went wrong?

While I was not outwardly showing my emotions, I was dealing with some internal emotional turmoil. The whole world seemingly shut down  and no end was in sight. I don’t believe there is really any way to fully prepare for something like this. Feelings of desperation started to bubble to the surface. I am not the kind of person who really knows what to do with feelings, so I looked for something to numb. This is not a healthy way to move forward. These kinds of numbing behaviors cause you to stay stuck and can lead to taking up more unhealthy behaviors.

Disappointment   Disappointment

It is amazing how quickly time goes by. I started to say things like, “Next week I will get back to that diet so I can lose weight. Since I am at home, I should be able to follow this diet plan with no problem.” “Next week I will start an exercise routine. I have been wanting to work out every day for a long time.” “Tomorrow I will stop playing the iPad games and start reading up on herbs.” Unfortunately, nothing seemed to change. I was stuck in the same pattern of avoiding my feelings and not moving forward. This caused a new feeling to spring up. Disappointment. I was disappointed in myself. What happened to that person who worked hard and could do anything she put her mind to? What happened to my journey for balance? Maybe you can relate. Do you ever feel stuck in this cycle?

Moving Forward

It was time to get off the hamster wheel! I learned a lot about myself. I don’t like to deal with my feelings. They are uncomfortable and addressing that I even have any can be messy. A busy schedule, extra work, or “comfort” food are emotional numbing behaviors that show up. Your list might be the same or could even extend to alcohol or other substances. I avoid starting projects that I fear I won’t be able to finish or ones that I don’t think I can finish well. My want to do list is super long causing paralysis, because I have a hard time even knowing where to start. Oh, and did I mention that I am still working? It isn’t like I actually have a 24-hour day of free time. I am trying to navigate learning how to teach from home and support my students in a totally different way. So, how do we move forward and crush it during a stay at home order?

1. Give Yourself Grace

It is okay to give yourself some grace. Not everyone is use to working from home or just staying home all day. It is going to take some time to learn how to make the most of this experience. It is unique and requires a different mindset. You will have to learn how to navigate working with your family at home. If you live alone, there are many other distractions that can be a challenge such as tv, social media, or even your own thoughts. It will be essential to set some boundaries and you will need to give yourself, and everyone else at your home, some grace as you determine what these will look like. Know that it might get a little messy, but you are resilient and you will be able to figure it out.

2. Deal with Your Emotions

If you are like me, you may need to be intentional in dealing with your emotions. There are many different things that come up during a time like this and it is healthy to work on processing them. Instead of turning to numbing behaviors, take up some behaviors that are positive. For example, journaling is a great way to work through what you are feeling. Use writing to process what you are feeling and identify what triggers those feelings. You may slip up and revert back to old patterns. Give yourself some grace and start again. Try to identify what caused you to slip back into that numbing pattern so that you can try to avoid it in the future.

3. Remember Gratitude

When things of this world seem to be out of control, remember to show gratitude. There is always something to be thankful for and sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this. Start your day by writing five things you are thankful for in a gratitude journal. This puts you in a positive frame of mind right away. If you have a family at home, go around the table at dinner and share 5 things you are each thankful for. It will help focus the entire family on the positives of life and who knows, it might even stimulate some wonderful conversation.

4. Move Every Day

You may not be a person who went to the gym every day, but find a way to get in some movement. Even if it is just taking a walk around the block, getting some fresh air and exercise can do wonders for your frame of mind. If you enjoy gardening, get outside and garden. My dog provides me with a great excuse to get outside. Perhaps now is a good time to get that puppy that you have always wanted!

5. Schedule Your Time

I am not saying that you need to schedule every minute of every day, but let’s be real. Most of us do better when we have a schedule. That is one reason we are so productive at work and get so many things done when we are extremely busy. Time blocking can be a great way to get a schedule without micromanaging every minute of time. Instead of spending all day watching Netflix, schedule in an hour or two for it and you will be amazed at how much more you can accomplish. This is a great way to start picking away at that list of things you have always wanted to do, but never had time for.

Crushing It


In conclusion, these are just five ways you can crush it during a stay at home order. I am sure you can come up with many more ideas. Remember that the most important thing is to find ways to move forward rather than staying stuck. Implement these five things now and you may be amazed how much they can help you once life goes back to “normal” as well.

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