My Blog

10 Lessons Learned in 2020

This year has been a very interesting year, to say the least. No one can deny that there have been many challenges. However, I think it is really important to take stock of the positives that have come out of this year as well. Here are 10 lessons learned in 2020....

5 Ways to Be Productive During Winter Break

  Do you ever get to the end of winter break and wonder where the time went? I can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me. In this post, I will share with you five productive things to do over winter break so you get to the end of break feeling like it was...

Reduce Holiday Stress with 5 Easy Tips

  The holidays can be stressful in a normal year. With all of the events of 2020, this year may be more stressful than normal. Sometimes this holiday stress can cause us to feel like throwing in the towel and completely giving up on all the health goals we have...

10 Gift Ideas for the Teacher in Your Life

With the holiday season coming up, I thought today we would help out the families of teachers. Sometimes it is hard to know what gift to get for the teacher in your life. Today we will explore ten gifts for the teacher in your life that are sure to be winners. If you...

11 Essentials for Hybrid Model of School

The teaching profession has completely changed in 2020, along with everything else this year. Many of us have learned to teach our students online and many of us have now switched to a hybrid model.       As I made the switch to the hybrid model, there...

5 Ways to Stop Putting Unrealistic Pressure on Yourself

  This blog is all about finding balance so you can live a balanced lifestyle. Today I want to focus on five ways to stop putting unrealistic pressure on yourself.   Where Does Pressure Come From   I don’t know about you, but I have found that since...

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Start Something New (and Why You Need To)

   Do you ever wonder why you seem to procrastinate when it comes to starting something new? This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately, particularly when it comes to creating videos. It is something I needed to do but found myself procrastinating. I have...

Create A Night Routine

  A Night Routine…Why would I possibly need a night routine? Isn’t that just one more laundry list of things that needs to be accomplished before bed? How could the decision to create a night routine possibly help me when I am suffering from decision fatigue?...

Create A Morning Routine

A morning routine may sound too ritualistic and, well, routine. However, creating a morning routine can help you to start off every day in the right way. There is no one size fits all here. We will explore some things to consider when creating a morning routine and I...

7 Tips to Reduce Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue Do you ever wonder why you come home from a productive day at work, only to feel like doing absolutely nothing? You were so motivated to get things done, but then at home it feels like you can’t do one more thing. For instance, that health goal you...

15 Categories to Include Your Budget

Hopefully you have been enjoying the previous posts about debt pitfalls we need to avoid and how to start budgeting. In this post, I want to discuss 15 categories to include your budget. If you have started budgeting, you are probably feeling one of two things. You...

5 Ways Fear of Failure is Keeping You from Your Goals

Goals Goals...those ever-elusive things that we set for ourselves in order to achieve greatness. Goal-setting is talked about a lot in the field of education and to be honest I love to incorporate it into my personal life. I set goals for everything! For me...

Budgeting 101

Budget…when you hear that word, what comes to your mind? I find that there are two typical reactions. People either get excited and want to let you know they are currently budgeting or they are ready to exit the conversation and become very uncomfortable. Regardless...

5 Ways to Crush It During a Stay at Home Order

Have you ever had one vision of yourself and then something happens that causes you to find out that vision wasn’t accurate? When I first heard a stay at home order was put in place, I thought “This is great!” I believed I was feeling calm and confident. This pandemic...

State of Mind

Living in Interesting Times These past couple of months have been quite interesting as the Covid-19 pandemic has ramped up across the world. This catastrophe has caused people to react in many different ways. A person's state of mind really does dictate their actions....

Essential Self-Care

  Why essential oils? This year I decided to make a big change in my classroom. I have been using essential oils in my home on a consistent basis for the last three to four years. They have made such a huge difference in my overall quality of life. In fact, they have...

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